Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Choosing The Best Home Water Purifier

With water borne diseases escalating like an epidemic, use of an effective and advanced home water purifier is the need of the hour. The best water purifier offers clean and pure drinking water for healthy living.

It helps in decontamination of water- microbiologically, physically and organically, leaving no chances of any sort of infectivity. However, choosing the best water purifier is of essence too. The first thing that you need to figure out is that whether you need it for commercial or residential use and then you can start your hunt for the right purifier.

 Finding the best water purifier for home use should be a trouble-free mission, provided you have access to correct information. You need to find out what range of features the water purifier should be accoutered with. These days, a home water purifier is well thought-out as foremost household system, water purifier plays an indispensable role in safeguarding our health.

 Having a home water purifier system facilitates you to consume pure drinking water. There are many families, especially who reside in areas with hard water, who use filtered water for cooking, bathing and for cleaning of utensils. UV water purifier is the ideal system for residential use in areas where there are lots of micro organisms in water.

Part of the ordinary marketing practice lately, the listing of the bacteria in the water that are destroyed by the action of a UV water purifier evidently tells a buyer what to expect when buying such an item. Ultraviolet light used in a UV water purifier is extensively considered one of the most powerful disinfectants discovered so far that destroy around 99.99% of the micro organisms.
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How To Buy The Best Water Purifier

With water sources becoming more and more polluted by the day with harmful disease causing contaminants like chemicals, micro organisms, toxic metals, etc. the techniques involved in getting the water rid of the same has turned challenging too.

Even advanced methods of water treatment in residential areas or municipal corporations will not help in getting rid of the contaminants fully. It is therefore a necessity to get the water you receive purified in a home water purifier, especially an advanced home water purifier.

 To know about how to get the best water purifier, you will have to familiarize yourself with the various techniques involved as well as the methods. Once you know about the nuances of the functioning of the systems, components used, etc. you will be able to choose the right and the best water purifier. To collect information about the same as well as to know about the various available brands, just go online.

You will come across a wealth of information materials. Do not miss the comments and reviews posted by users in various water forums. Users post real experiences both positive and negative about the home water purifier systems they use. You will then be able to choose the brand as well. Do not just blindly buy a home water purifier only because it is the best water purifier based on your survey.

You should first get the water you receive tested. You can also come across water testing labs. Once you get the water tested you will know which home water purifier, i.e. whether you need reverse osmosis or UV water purifier or some other system or blends. The UV water purifier is used at homes where water received in the tap or any source and full of micro organisms.

Most of these micro organisms cause water borne diseases that may play havoc on your health. And if you drink such water regularly without getting it purified, you will nurture diseases that will prove dangerous for you in the long run. The UV outfitted in the UV water purifier operates deactivating all micro organisms. Go for such a system with multi-purifying techniques involved. It is the need of the hour to protect your health against water born diseases by drinking only purified water.
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How Important Is A Water Purifier?

There was a time when we used the normal tap water for drinking and cooking. But now the tap water can not be used directly for this purpose as it is harmful and can cause a number of diseases. The water quality that we get is unsafe for drinking and drinking it can prove to be fatal as well.

This is why it is advisable to make use of water purifier that can deal with the impurities in the water and provide you with safe drinking water. Instead of installing a home water purifier, many people opt for boiling the tap water and then use it.

Boiling the water is effective in case of bacteria and viruses but when it comes to dealing with the dissolved impurities, this method fails. As compared to the water purifier, boiling the water can also take up a lot of time and is painstaking process. However, if you use the water purifier, it can deal with the impurities and can filter them out easily. By installing a home water purifier, you can be sure to get safe drinking water.

You can use Ro water purifier instead of the normal purifier as these would help you to get more pure water. As compared to the normal RO water purifier that is used in homes, you should opt for the Mineral RO water purifier. This water purifier not only filters out the impurities from the water but also help in saving the essential minerals that are present in the water.

 Kent water purifier is one of the first and the best water purifier that consists of the Mineral RO system or the Reverse Osmosis Purifier and provides you with safe drinking water. With the Mineral RO technology used in the water purifier, the water undergoes double purification and thus ensures that you get safe drinking water.

 Kent Water Purifier makes use of the reverse osmosis process and thereafter the water undergoes the UV process that makes use of 11 watt UV lamp. This way you get to preserve the minerals that are present in the water and also get rid of the impurities, bacteria and viruses that are otherwise present in the tap water. 

Kent provides you with various types of drinking water purifiers that can be used in your home. You can get to know more about the home water purifier and its use through www.kent.co.in.
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Monday, April 12, 2010

7 Reasons to Buy a High Quality Home Water Purifier - Read What the Experts Say About Safe Water

Water is the most important compound on our planet - not only is it essential for the survival of all living things, but it composes more than half of the human body. In today's technological and industrial world, the quality of our water supply has become a concern.

In order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, we need to control the quality of the water we consume at a personal level - we need to be reassured that the water in our homes is safe. Installing a high quality home water purification system can be the most effective way to do this.

Reviews of the Best Water Purifier to Buy Be Careful

Below, please see seven reasons how installing a home water purifier can be beneficial:

Cleaner, Safer Water

It has been proven that tap water in today's world is not ideal for drinking, showering or bathing. Tap water contains carcinogenic compounds from factories, traces of prescription drugs that can be dangerous to consume, and bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal distress. Home water purification removes these and other unhealthy compounds.

Better Tasting Drinking Water

You may notice that your tap water tastes or smells like metal or chlorine. This is because it contains trace metals, chlorine, and other chemicals that are not naturally meant to enter the human body. A high quality water filtration system will eliminate these molecules as well as the accompanying unpleasant odors.

Good for the Environment

If you buy bottled water as an alternative to drinking tap, you could be harming the environment more than you think. Recent studies have shown that plastic recycling releases toxic gases into the air, and that the effect of this may negate the benefits of recycling plastics in the first place. Buying a home water purifier can greatly lessen or eliminate your usage of plastic bottles altogether.

A Portable Water Purifier is Perfect For Camping

Keeps Your Family Safe

Your children and pets do not choose what they consume - you make that decision for them. If you use purified water to bathe your children and pets, and you give them purified water to drink, you are working to guarantee that they live long and healthy lives.

Beauty Benefits

Toxins in water do not just affect you when you drink them. When you shower or bathe in tap water, the chemicals in that water are absorbed into your skin and hair and can cause wrinkles, dryness, and can contribute to the risk of cancer. Showering in purified water will give you softer skin and more shiny, softer hair with the elimination of these toxins.

Helps with Weight Loss

If your water tastes better, you will drink more of it. Drinking water helps with your diet - it fills you up and decreases appetite considerably. It is hard to drink your eight glasses a day if your tap water tastes bad - but with crisp, clean purified water sticking to your diet is much easier.

A Bottle Water Cooler Or Bottled Water Dispenser

Saves You Money

Bottled water is quite expensive these days - if you do the math to find the cost of your bottled water for a week, month, or year, you may be shocked. The price of a home water purifier will be offset very quickly when you think of all the money you will save just by not buying bottled water.As you can see, there are multiple benefits to installing a high quality water purification system in your home - for an affordable price, you can positively affect many aspects of your life.

Tyler Waterman, Chief Editor, is a health enthusiast and saw his well being improve once he started using a drinking water filter in his home. His research shows that many purifiers on the market are lacking in features and do not provide the safe water every household deserves.
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Friday, March 26, 2010

Water Purification Equipment

These days, water purification equipment comes in all shapes and sizes. From the huge reverse osmosis filters used by treatment facilities and beverage companies to the tiny models that fit right on the end of your faucet, there is truly something for everyone.
If you happen to be shopping for a system for your home, there are several things that you should consider. Price is a consideration for most people. But even if you have plenty, there is no reason to waste money on unnecessary steps.
You might think that the higher priced systems are the best quality. But that isn't always true. Some companies charge more for pseudoscientific garbage. For example, one company charges more because their systems include rocks with "special" qualities.
A great deal of scientific technology has gone into purifying our freshwater. Scientists have come up with ways to remove chemicals, lead, parasites, bacteria and many other contaminants.Years ago, these steps were very expensive. But as technology has advanced, they have become more affordable. Even a big family on a tight budget can afford the best home purifier. In fact, they will probably save money.
Most people find that when they install water purification equipment in their homes, they buy fewer bottled beverages. The water tastes good. Humans are meant to drink water. The sugary, caffeinated beverages that we have become accustomed to are really not thirst-quenching; they actually make us want to drink more. It is almost a habit.
One of the environmental research teams estimated that a family of five can save over $1000 per year, if they stop buying bottled water. Many people are buying and drinking more bottled water, as opposed to other beverages, because they have been deceived by the advertisers into thinking that it is better for their health.
But without appropriate water purification equipment, there is the risk of exposure to toxic chemicals and other contaminants that are present in our freshwater supplies. So, that's the next consideration. Does the system remove toxic chemicals?
Granular carbon removes a great many chemicals, but it has limitations, because fluids can cycle around the granules. If you do a little comparison shopping, you will see that some home filters are certified to remove a higher percentage of chemicals than others. The most effective are those that have a dual-stage system for chemical removal.
The first stage includes granular carbon. The second is a hard block composed of carbon and other media necessary for the removal of specific chemicals, such as THMs and VOCs. There are thousands of chemicals in those two groups alone and many of them are known carcinogens.
Therefore, in a way, high quality water purification equipment might help prevent cancer.Lead is one of the other contaminants that you might be concerned about. Ion exchange is the most effective step for lead removal. Parasitic cysts are a major concern, especially for parents of small children and people with immune system deficiencies.
The block described above can be designed to include a sub-micron sized channel that filters out cysts. There are other things to consider when you are buying water purification equipment. Here's one last bit of advice: The department store brands are not very effective. You need a little more help than that.
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